Privacy Policy

Last update on 27/04/2022

Our Company takes seriously the protection of the privacy of its customers. That is why we strictly follow the following civil protection, which ensures the high level of services offered and strictly adheres to the current legal framework.

By visiting our Website you acknowledge and agree to the privacy policy that follows, and you agree to make use of our Website and the websites that constitute, as defined in the terms of this policy. If you do not wish to be bound by the following policies, you may not access our Website and use our services.

What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the new regulatory framework of the European Union (EU) in this area. The purpose of the Regulation is to establish the conditions for the processing of personal data, in order to protect the rights and freedoms of natural persons and in particular the right to protection of personal data.

What categories of personal data do we process?

The personal data we process are the absolutely necessary, necessary and appropriate for the achievement of our intended goals and are summarized as follows: Personal data that you provide to us, such as: • Identification & legalization data (name, date of birth, gender, identity or passport details, professional specialization, marital status, VAT number) • Contact details (postal address, E-mail, landline or mobile number, e-mail address, FAX)

1. Data of

The details of our Company are as follows:





TIN: 800373562



For any clarification and provision of information the user / visitor can contact 0030-6953012444


2. Object

This policy defines the terms and conditions, which are observed by our Company, for the protection of the privacy of the users of This policy includes the rules, based on which we proceed to any collection and processing of your personal data and we ensure the confidentiality of this information.

Our Company reserves the right to modify and update this policy, whenever it deems necessary, while the respective changes take effect from their public appearance on the Website of In case the use of any service of the Website is governed by more specific terms of use, these terms will apply in conjunction with these terms. In case of conflict, the specific terms of use of each service prevail.

In the event that any of these terms are deemed invalid, illegal or abusive for any reason, the other terms will remain valid and valid as long as they do not conflict with the will expressed through this policy.

3. Definitions

For the purposes of this, the following definitions apply:

a) "Processing" - any work or series of tasks performed by the Company with or without the aid of automated methods and applied to personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, preservation, modification, export, use, transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, interconnection, commitment (blocking), deletion, destruction.

b) "Electronic Cookie" - a short text of software code, which is sent for storage by the Internet server of the Company to the user's PC at each last entry on the Website, in order to record the selected user's browsing history within www., it is, among other things, necessary as a mechanism for the technical execution of the service of the "bag" of orders.

c) "Website" - the website that is accessible through the domain name, including all of its websites.

d) "Personal data" - any information referring to internet users (s) of the Website

e) "Consent" - the free, explicit and specific declaration of intent expressed in a clear, fully informed manner, by which the user, having been informed in advance, accepts that the personal data concerning him / her be processed.

f) "User" - the internet user of the Website, to whom the data refers and whose identity is known or can be verified, is can be identified immediately or indirectly.

4. Types of Data According to (a) the access and use of the Website, (b) the registration in the information service through electronic letters (newsletter), (d) the communication through a contact form:

a) Upon entry and use
Internet Protocol Address (IP Address).
In-Site Navigation Data.
Service preference information.
Data for executed transactions.

b) When subscribing to the newsletter

E-mail address (e-mail)

c) When completing the contact form

Last name

In the event that any user communicates with us via email or other means, we will collect his personal data, related to such communications, under the terms and conditions hereof, in order to meet the relevant requirements and requests and to improve our services offered.

The Company does not store personal data of its users - customers, related to the online payment of its products, such as numbers and credit card codes. Such data is collected and processed exclusively by and under the responsibility of the partner bank during the process of execution and completion of each sale by the method of redirect, is by the method of transferring the user from the website www.j-tees .gr on the liability website of the said banking company.

5. Purposes of Processing

Our Company collects and processes the personal data of its users - customers, mentioned above, for the following purposes:

Technical capability for the smooth operation of the Website. User friendly and easy operation of the Website. Improving the online experience in providing our services. Execution of the contractual obligations of our Company towards the Users of the Website. Improvement and renewal of our products and services, in order to meet as much as possible the needs of our customers.

Recording consumer habits through the use of anonymous statistical data. Sending informative emails to the subscribers of the information service via electronic letters (newsletter).

After completing the process of creating a personal account or the process of subscribing to the information service via electronic letters (newsletter) or the process of ordering services, you accept the receipt of commercial communications, advertisements and / or commercial content or purpose regarding our company or third party services

Our Company collects and processes personal data of its users - customers exclusively for the aforementioned purposes and only to the extent absolutely necessary for the effective service of these purposes. This data is always relevant, relevant and not more than what is required in view of the above purposes, and is accurate and, if necessary, updated. Furthermore, such data shall be retained only during the period required for the purposes of their collection and processing and shall be deleted thereafter.

6. Consent

Our Company processes personal data of the users of the Website:

  1. in cases where each user has consented, having previously been informed by this policy of the type of data, the purpose and extent of the processing, the recipients or the categories of recipients. b) Or in cases where the processing is necessary for the execution of the respective order, assigned by the user to the Company. Specifically, by entering the Website and by voluntarily providing your personal data during the process of subscribing to the information service via electronic letters (newsletter), creating an account and ordering products, as well as by any communication with us, you provide us with your consent for collection and processing of such data under the terms and conditions hereof.

Your consent to the collection and processing of any or all of your personal data may be revoked at any time by the exercise of the right of objection as provided in this policy.

7. Cookies

Our Website operates with electronic cookies. For more information please visit our relevant website regarding our use of electronic cookies.

8. Commercial Communications

When creating a personal account as well as providing your email address, you also give us your consent to receive emails from us for the purpose of advertising and promoting our products / services directly.

In each such e-mail, our Company will clearly and unequivocally notify you of our identity and will enable you to object and request, in an easy and free manner, the termination of the communication.

9. Confidentiality & Information Security

The process of processing personal data by the Company is carried out in a way that ensures its confidentiality. In particular, it is carried out exclusively by personnel of the Company authorized for this purpose, while all appropriate organizational and technical measures are taken for data security and protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other form of unfair treatment.

10. Transmission to Third Parties

Our Company does not in any way provide the personal data of its users - customers or link its file for financial or other consideration with any third party private companies, natural or legal persons, public authorities or services or other organizations. The Company may provide access to or grant:

Data related to or necessary for the hosting of the Website to the internet hosting service provider, with whom it maintains a contractual relationship. Data related to or necessary for the support of the Website to the company, with which it maintains a contractual relationship for the provision of its support services. Data related to or necessary for the promotion of on social media.

The processing of your personal data by the above bodies cooperating with us is carried out under our control and only by our order and is subject to the same privacy policy or a policy of at least the same level of protection.

11. File Disclosure

For the legal processing of the personal data of its users - clients, our Company may make a written notification to the Personal Data Protection Authority for the establishment and operation of a personal data file, which will be registered in the Register of Files and Processes, which complied with by that Authority. Any change in processing will be notified by our Company in writing and without delay to the Authority, where required by law.

12. User Rights

Our Company takes all the necessary actions both during the collection phase and in each subsequent phase of processing your personal data, so that you have full opportunity to exercise your legal rights, is the rights of information, access and objection, such as described below.

a) Thus, already at the stage of collection you are informed in an appropriate and clear way from the present privacy policy, which is in a position immediately visible and at any time accessible to the main page of the Website, for at least the following information: the identity of the Company, the purposes of the processing, the recipients of the data, any third parties to whom the data is transmitted

b) Furthermore, you have the right to request and receive from our Company within a reasonable time and in a comprehensible and clear manner, the following information:

All personal data concerning you, as well as their origin. The purposes of the processing, the recipients or the categories of recipients. The evolution of the processing for the period of time from your previous update or information. The logic of automated processing.

c)You also have the right to object in writing to our Company with a request for specific action on your personal data, such as correction, temporary non-use, commitment, non-transmission or deletion. In case you request the deletion of your personal data, however the data whose deletion is requested is necessary for the execution of the contract concluded with you, our Company has the right to reject the relevant request with reasons and to inform you accordingly.

13. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

For the resolution of any dispute that arises between our Company and our users - customers regarding the current privacy policy and its object, the courts of Athens are competent and the applicable law is the Greek, but without taking into account the rules of conflict. Should a provision of this policy be revoked by a decision of a competent court as illegal, valid and enforceable, this will not affect the remainder of its provisions, which will remain in force and will be properly enforced. uses Cookies!

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